University of California: What is…

Diabetes Teaching Center at the University of California, San Francisco.

Added/Updated:  24/11/2016

Rotating injection sites - video…

Pharmaceutical video (BD) about insulin injection site rotation and why it is important.

Added/Updated:  23/11/2016

Lenny lion website including carb…

US carb counting game and more from Lenny lion, supported by Medtronic.

Added/Updated:  10/10/2016

No More Nagging - Pancreasless and…

Jessica's blog post outlines some tips to help parents deal with teens with T1.

Added/Updated:  10/10/2016

It could be worse - Type 1 Bri

Personal blog about changes in type 1 diabetes care over the years. Links to London T1 Meetups Facebook Group.

Added/Updated:  10/10/2016


DigiBete is a video platform created in partnership with the Diabetes Team at Leeds Children's Hospital. It features videos…

Added/Updated:  30/09/2016

Diabetes Geek - open letter to a…

'Diabetes for the brutally honest' the personal blog of a young woman T1 in the UK. This post is an open letter to any young…

Added/Updated:  29/09/2016


Type 1 international charity - advocating for people with T1 around the world by educating and raising awareness of insulin…

Added/Updated:  26/09/2016

Parents of Children with T1…

Parents of children with T1 in the UK Facebook group with over 5,000 members

Added/Updated:  20/09/2016

Insulin pump education from…

Insulin pump education video from Southcoast Health (US), explaining what it is - pros and cons & what it doesn't do.

Added/Updated:  20/09/2016

Children with Diabetes (CWD) UK

Advocacy group and website for children affected by T1. The Children with Diabetes Facebook page has over 2,000 members and…

Added/Updated:  20/09/2016

Diabetogenic blog

Renza blogs about her life with T1 - this post discusses the burden of living with T1 and what she wishes had been different…

Added/Updated:  17/09/2016 on T1

Website containing info on many aspects of treatment & living with type 1 diabetes.

Added/Updated:  17/09/2016

Disney & Lilly collaboration for…

A collaboration between Disney and Lilly (pharma company) to provide stories & support for children with T1

Added/Updated:  17/09/2016

ACDC - Association of Children's…

The Association was set up to share good practice, to discuss clinical management and the organisation of diabetes services and…

Added/Updated:  17/09/2016

Talking About Diabetes - TAD Talks…

Videos from the inaugural Talking About Diabetes event which took place in March 2016.

Added/Updated:  14/09/2016

Beyond Type 1 - Type 1 Day 1

Has videos to support people on their 1st day with T1D, along with some inspirational stories how people have worked around T1D…

Added/Updated:  14/09/2016

Welcome to Type 1

Videos about Type 1 diabetes aimed at those newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Added/Updated:  13/09/2016

Stress - Six Until Me

One of many blogs by Kerri discussing living with T1 - this one is about stress!

Added/Updated:  13/09/2016

Sugar buddies

Peer support network for people with diabetes (T1&2) in Hampshire.

Added/Updated:  13/09/2016

JDRF Information Packs

A list of resources provided by the charity JDRF. Some of the them you need to send for, including the Kidsac with teddy, whilst…

Added/Updated:  13/09/2016

Children with Diabetes -…

US site for parents of children with T1 - recommended / reviewed books with links to

Added/Updated:  13/09/2016

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

Single video, made in the US, explaining the basics of Type 1 diabetes.

Added/Updated:  08/09/2016

Breaking Down Diabetes - Khan…

A series of talks by Khan Academy with fairly scientific overview of diabetes.

Added/Updated:  10/08/2016