Reviewed by
Alison Cox
A comprehensive web-site with lots of information and advice. Inspirational and shows that diabetes should not stop the PWD or their close ones from enjoying life to the full.
Sarah Gatward
A series of thirteen concise blogs written by the father of a type 1 daughter, who undertook a family trip to India for one month within the first year of her diagnosis. Lots of practicalities and helpful detail about organising such a trip with sections covering planning both before leaving, whilst on the road and the impact of type 1. Although specifically about travel to India, the planning, suggestions and experiences could apply equally well to extended travel to any countries. The final blog, written by his daughter Amy, reveals her memories of the trip. What was so fabulous to read here was that so little of her writing centred around her type 1 but rather all the other wonderful experiences they shared as a family.