Complex Care Plan. DWED - Diabetics With Eating Disorders is a charity providing support, advocacy and training for people affected/looking after people affected by diabetes and eating disorders.

Reviewed by

Sophie Harris

Complex Care Plan provides hints and tips for people involved in care for people with diabetes and eating disorders. It also provides a place for people to keep track of their appointments and results, a place to share information between the many healthcare professionals likely to be invovled in looking after this complex issue.

Laura Cleverly

You will need to donate a monthly fee in order to have membership access to what I assume is the full website. The site does however offer links to other resources, social media platforms and similar support groups for those who need more information and support from other sources.

Editorial Team Note

DWED is unfortunately no longer running as a charity, however the website remains online as a archive.

The subject of disordered eating and type 1 diabetes was covered by a BBC3 documentary, 'Living with Diabulimia, the world's most dangerous eating disorder' in 2017, which DWED supported.

Keywords: diabulimia, eating disorders, insulin, peer, support, diabetes eating disorders, disordered eating