Reviewed by
Yuk-Fun Liu
For those who may be jaded about claims for a “cure" for Type 1 diabetes this talk gives an overview of how far things have come in less than 100 years. Dr Robin Goland a paediatric diabetologist, gives a TEDx talk describing the strides in clinical care from the inception of insulin in 1922 to current day, and also how research is shaping the future. Importantly she talks about the importance of integrating research into the clinic and sharing it with PWD.
Adrienne Burton
Dr Robin Goland is very easy to listen to. She is an American endocrinologist and part of the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center in New York. This video takes you from 1922 through to today and how far diabetes research has taken medication, technology and care. Really good video to watch for all especially families, very positive.