MyFitnessPal application - tracking food and calories on the move
Added/Updated: 26/09/2016
mySugr Skiing Blog
mySugr interview about survival on the ski slopes, and how to deal with some of the issues around exercise and being in a cold…
Added/Updated: 20/09/2016
Data sharing and CGM in the Cloud
Kerri Sparling (respected US blogger who writes 'Six until me') & Dr Bill Polonsky discuss data sharing and set up some…
Added/Updated: 20/09/2016
Parents of Children with T1…
Parents of children with T1 in the UK Facebook group with over 5,000 members
Added/Updated: 20/09/2016
Diabetic Shambles on drugs!
A guest blog on the rarely discussed consequences of taking recreational drugs with T1 diabetes.
Added/Updated: 20/09/2016
Children with Diabetes (CWD) UK
Advocacy group and website for children affected by T1. The Children with Diabetes Facebook page has over 2,000 members and…
Added/Updated: 20/09/2016
#GBdoc is one of the main hashtags used on Twitter by members of the UK Diabetes Online Community. Whilst the majority of…
Added/Updated: 19/09/2016
JDRF University Toolkit
JDRF guide to starting and surviving at university.
Added/Updated: 17/09/2016
Disney & Lilly collaboration for…
A collaboration between Disney and Lilly (pharma company) to provide stories & support for children with T1
Added/Updated: 17/09/2016
ACDC - Association of Children's…
The Association was set up to share good practice, to discuss clinical management and the organisation of diabetes services and…
Added/Updated: 17/09/2016
The bionic pancreas - Edward…
As a parent of a child with type 1 diabetes, Dr. Edward Damiano knows first hand the dangers of this disease. After nearly two…
Added/Updated: 14/09/2016
JDRF Information Packs
A list of resources provided by the charity JDRF. Some of the them you need to send for, including the Kidsac with teddy, whilst…
Added/Updated: 13/09/2016
Children with Diabetes -…
US site for parents of children with T1 - recommended / reviewed books with links to
Added/Updated: 13/09/2016
UCLH Tree of Life Project
A project for children and young people using the UCLH service that allows them to talk, connect and share experiences
Added/Updated: 13/09/2016
UCLH children’s department blog
Blogs from healthcare professionals, parents and children at UCLH diabetes dept.
Added/Updated: 08/09/2016
What is Type 1 Diabetes?
Single video, made in the US, explaining the basics of Type 1 diabetes.
Added/Updated: 08/09/2016
Me First - Transitioning to Adult…
In healthcare, 'transition' describes the process of preparing, planning and moving from children’s to adult services. The…
Added/Updated: 04/09/2016
Hypoglycaemia Awareness Training
Resource for information on symptoms and causes of hypoglycaemia, with quizzes around different aspects of hypoglycaemia.
Added/Updated: 10/08/2016
New complications - Six Until Me
One of many blogs by Kerri Sparling discussing living with T1.
Added/Updated: 10/08/2016
Jenny Lind Children's Hospital…
Part of the Jenny Lind Children’s hospital website, with a range of resources for families affected by type 1 diabetes.
Added/Updated: 09/08/2016
How to do a blood glucose check
A short video guide about carrying out a blood glucose check. Produced by the UCLH children and young people's diabetes service.
Added/Updated: 26/07/2016
How to do an insulin injection
UCLH video showing how to perform an insulin injection with a Novopen Echo insulin pen.
Added/Updated: 26/07/2016
US Diabetes Parents
US site supporting parents of teens with T1. Just for Parents is an online program to help parents who are struggling with teens…
Added/Updated: 26/07/2016
CYP Diabetes Network
The National Children and Young People's Diabetes network is working towards agreed standards of care, outcomes and process of…
Added/Updated: 07/07/2016