T1 London Facebook Group
A Facebook group for 18-40yo with and those affected by diabetes in London.
Added/Updated: 26/04/2017
Local support groups - Diabetes UK…
Links to local Diabetes UK patient support groups searchable by postcode.
Added/Updated: 02/12/2016
It could be worse - Type 1 Bri
Personal blog about changes in type 1 diabetes care over the years. Links to London T1 Meetups Facebook Group.
Added/Updated: 10/10/2016
Talking About Diabetes - TAD Talks…
Videos from the inaugural Talking About Diabetes event which took place in March 2016.
Added/Updated: 14/09/2016
UCLH Tree of Life Project
A project for children and young people using the UCLH service that allows them to talk, connect and share experiences
Added/Updated: 13/09/2016
UCLH children’s department blog
Blogs from healthcare professionals, parents and children at UCLH diabetes dept.
Added/Updated: 08/09/2016
CYP Diabetes Network
The National Children and Young People's Diabetes network is working towards agreed standards of care, outcomes and process of…
Added/Updated: 07/07/2016
Diabetes UK Lewisham, Lambeth &…
Dukllands - The Diabetes UK Lewisham, Lambeth & Southwark Family Support Group for young people & families living with Type 1…
Added/Updated: 07/07/2016