ECED guide to getting the most…
Edinburgh Diabetes Centre's guide to gettting started and making the most of your flash sensor (Libre)
Added/Updated: 20/12/2018
10 steps to improving T1 control…
A downloadable PDF from the Scottish Type 1 Educational Programme with 10 top tips to self-managing diabetes.
Added/Updated: 15/09/2018
Diabetes UK Forum
Diabetes discussion forum for all. Supported by Diabetes UK, but run and managed by an independent team of volunteers with…
Added/Updated: 23/12/2016
Modular online learning for managing Type 1 Diabetes from BERTIE (Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation…
Added/Updated: 28/09/2019 on ExCarbs
US website (not T1 specific) article written by Walsh & Roberts (authors of Pumping insulin) discussing strategies for…
Added/Updated: 16/01/2017
Sanofi - Type 1 Diabetes…
Pharmacuetical company video about an expedition up Mount Kilimanjaro with a group of people with diabetes.
Added/Updated: 25/10/2016
MyFitnessPal application - tracking food and calories on the move
Added/Updated: 26/09/2016
mySugr Skiing Blog
mySugr interview about survival on the ski slopes, and how to deal with some of the issues around exercise and being in a cold…
Added/Updated: 20/09/2016
Run Sweet
A website by people with diabetes, who want to promote diabetes self-care, and share knowledge on how to manage diabetes with…
Added/Updated: 09/08/2016